Terms & Conditions
/ General Policies
Players making online tee times must cancel any reservation within 24 hours or they may be charged a $25 no-show fee per person, per tee time. If any player does not call or show for their tee time, they will be charged $25 per person, per tee time.
Tee-time reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance online and 2 days in advance over the phone.
Bluff Creek is a soft-spike golf facility. No spikes allowed.
Fivesomes are permitted upon approval from Pro Shop staff. All players MUST ride if playing a Fivesome. For reservations of 2 or more tee times, please contact the Pro Shop..
No outside food or beverages may be brought into Bluff Creek; food and beverages must be purchased on the premises. No outside coolers are allowed on the premises.
Spectators are allowed. Please check in with the Pro Shop staff.
Men’s Dress Code
Allowed: Shirts with collars and sleeves; golf shirts without collars; slacks or Bermuda shorts.
Not Allowed: Tank tops; fishnet tops; cutoff shirts or shorts. Shirts must be worn at all times.
Women’s Dress Code
Allowed: Dresses, skirts, mid-length shorts, and blouses.
Not Allowed: Halter tops; fishnet tops; bathing suits; sweat pants; warm-up suits; cutoffs or short shorts.
Shoes: Golf shoes or shoes without spikes are required on the golf course.
Golf Cart Usage:
- All drivers must be 16 years of age or older, and must have a valid license.
- Cart path only around tees and greens.
- Cart path only on all par 3s.
- Please observe directional signage.
- Two golf bags and two riders are allowed per cart.
- Only two carts are allowed per foursome.
Thank you for playing at Bluff Creek!”